It's almost too late to blog

I didn't die. Obviously, as here I am blogging again. Last week was a time of reflection and being a lazy burrito. However I want to make it a point that I actually did finish editing to Chapter 8 on my fan fiction last Sunday. I even received the edited feedback of my novella, unfortunately I did absolutely nothing with it. As all this writing is suppose to be a fun hobby sometimes I need a week break where I can relax and watch random episodes of Farscape that I've already seen. Never the less I made progress over the weekend and got 30 pages of 122 revised. And again we hit the unfortunately part again. I did nothing today because of coming home late and planning potential fun vacations. In other news I have received the finish product for the covers for The Shadowed. I have a shiny new banner on my published works page and on my Facebook page. It has made me very happy.

I want to go to bed. Does wanting to go to bed at 10 make me old? Maybe tomorrow will be filled with more writing.

Have a good week all.