Cover Time

Alas but once more, I must admit defeat. There was progress but ultimately defeat. I reached Chapter 6 of my fan fiction but not the desired Chapter 8. So the goal will be postponed once more and it will be met by next blog, I swear it! Unless I fail again but I should definitely be done by mid-May at the latest.

A bit of a throw back to Odd Man Out. It has also been uploaded to Smashwords and has already been distributed to the different platforms. Not sure if more people will find it and read it, but it can't hurt.

Right at this moment I am working with AWTCoverDesign on the cover my novella. I am super excited. It's looking pretty good. Maybe in a month or so there might be some sneak peeks. However I am still waiting back for my first edit.

I believe the last bit of news, is the newsletter. I plan to start having a monthly newsletter. I'm not really sure what's going to be in it but I'm sure I will figure something out. 

And that's all I have. Have a good rest of your Monday.