Uhhh.... Hi


So I may have been put off my daily blog updating process for a little bit. I'm going to level with you. Work has been stressful and I have been working late for the past two months. However the project is slowly coming to close. In the meantime there has been progress!!

I'm on the second revision of The Shadowed. It is looking pretty dang snazzy. However at some point while going through it, I realized I'm a bit of a potty mouth. That has all been removed so it is a bit more everyone friendly. But then I got side tracked again... I blame my father. He linked me to a contest:


I read that and immediately an idea popped into my head. I was so excited to write it that I just had to start. I have actually just sent my second draft to my editor. Hopefully I will be able to submit it way before the due date. Then I will be back on track with The Shadowed.

What else... I got. a sweet new author logo designed by AWTCoverDesigns. I will try to put it up somewhere on my site. Probably on the contact me page. I believe that is all I've got.

I'll try to get my butt back on track. And I'll be here next Monday with a new update. Also the Finding Neverland musical soundtrack is awesome. I've been listening to it a lot. Enough that my husband yells at me if he sees me put in my headphones.

Anyway tootles.