Phase One Almost Complete

This last week was quite productive. I actually finished chapter 10, and edited 9, 10, and 11 yesterday. I also went through the story fixing some elements that I had been meaning to change. Such productivity! It's nice when I am able to spend the weekend at home writing the hours away. I do want to do another read through before I send it to editor number 1. Right now, the story is weighing in at 129 pages and 42K words. Not too bad. I am very pleased with myself.

I can't wait till I send it off, then I can finally work on a new story. I have had four ideas pop in my head in the past two months. I normally find I have a hard time coming up with ideas. Once I have one I can run with it till the end but the initial thoughts are more rare. I don't know which one to pick. They are all meant to be varying lengths of short stories. One is a sci-fi, one a romance, another a thriller/fantasy, and the last one is a sequel type to The Waiting Room.

Speaking of which, The Waiting Room gets submitted in a week. So excited. That's all for this week.