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Well I wanted to start off this week's blog with how happy I am with The Shadow's progress, instead I am starting with a complaint.

I don't have internet. Now I know in this wondrous age, even though my place doesn't have internet, I still have internet on my phone. However I prefer to work on my stories on my laptop and they live on my google drive. So no internet means no easy writing. The internet company says expected return is by 9pm (I am writing this update at 7pm and will just post it once I have internet). I hope it's quicker than that. That is enough complaining, onto the progress report! Charge!!

Not only did I finish the rewrite of Chapter 9, I set a goal of writing 2000 words for Chapter 10 on Sunday and I met it. My chapters for this novella are averaging about 4000 words so I'm already half done. I think my two new chaps will be a vast improvement over the old one. I plan to make my husband read them and hopefully he gives me a thumbs up. Doing some calculations, I believe a tentative goal for having my second draft ready is April 24th.

In other new(ish), I joined twitter as @alittleauthorkc. I was a bit disappointed that @alittleauthor wasn't available but I don't mind my handle. Trying to get the hang of tweeting. I like the gif options where you can add any number of preloaded gifs to your tweet. It's an interesting app. I keep strict no twitter hours between 8-5 policy, otherwise I check it a lot.

Lastly, fourteen days til I submit The Waiting Room. Woot woot.